Sustainable event planning & consulting

For corporations, federations & associations

Engaging a professional event planner is priceless

Murphy's law

Remember the old adage, "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong?" No event, customer or day is ever going to be the same. No matter how much you prepare there is always the possibility that something will go wrong that is outside of your control. No wonder that event planning has been ranked as one of the most stressful jobs on earth. Being responsible for planning all logistics and activities contributes to the high stress environment that planners often work in.


Going digital, AI & hybrid

As sustainability is a serious matter (trade shows are the second-worst contributor to waste after the construction industry) and the growing need to save time, digitalisation, AI and hybrid have become common sense.




For corporations, federations and associations who have inhouse event planners, but can't cope with workload or the fast pace of innovation within the event planning. For companies who are lacking the know-how of bringing innovation & sustainability into their events. For anyone in need of impactful event experiences connected to the SDGs...